
is depression hereditary

is depression hereditary Depression can be hereditary? I was wondering because I have depression, with my mother, my sister and my aunts.
- Shane *

A person may feel depressed for many reasons, and sometimes genetics plays an important role. Having parents or other members of the family suffering from depression may increase the likelihood that a person may be depressed. is depression hereditary But even if depression may be partly due to an inherited tendency, usually takes a combination of factors for a person to develop depression.

Stressful events, family conflicts, major disappointments, pain or all can trigger depression. Relationships with people who are more critical than showing affection can lead to depression because they can teach a girl or a guy to be self-critical and feel inadequate, is depression hereditary two feelings are often associated with depression. For some women, hormonal changes may play a role in depression and irritable. And for some people, certain medical conditions can cause depressed mood and energy consumption depression hereditary

It is important to remember, however, that having a family member with depression does not necessarily mean that a person is depressed. And those with no family history can become depressed, depression hereditary

Whatever the factors that may be contributing, depression is a very treatable disease. If you feel depressed or are concerned, discuss your symptoms with a health care professional who can evaluate and recommend treatment. If you ever feel depressed or really hurt, seek help depression hereditary

1 comment :

  1. Although a research has shown that people with parents or siblings suffering from depression are up to three times more prone to having the condition, it doesn’t guarantee the occurrence. So even if your parent suffered from depression at some point in his or her life, this doesn’t mean that you are going to have it too. It does increase your risk, but it doesn’t guarantee that you will also suffer from it.

