alcohol and depression
anyone who feels depressed and thinks he can drink too
Anyone who thinks you can drink too much and feel depressed
friends, family or colleagues to everyone who is both depressed and drinking.
Contains some basic facts about alcohol and depression, how to help, how to help people who care, how to get more help,alcohol and depression and where to find more information.
Alcohol and us
More than 9 out of 10 people in the beverage alcohol in the United Kingdom. For most of us is part of our culture and we felt comfortable with it. Moderate alcohol consumption does not cause problems. However, over the past 30 years,alcohol and depression the United Kingdom became rich and alcohol became cheaper. We start drinking at an early age and drink more. UK:
About 1-3 men and 1-6 women will develop some type of health problem caused by alcohol
About 1 in 11 men and 1 in 25 women are physically addicted to alcohol.
How does alcohol affect us?alcohol and depression
The immediate effects
Alcohol tastes good to most adults, but not usually, children (although drinking starts younger). It can help you relax, which can make it easier to talk to others, especially if you're a little shy. The downside is that it can make you unfit to drive, operate machinery, which affects their ability to make decisions.alcohol and depression Also reduces the perception of a more or less, depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.
If you are going to drink, his speech starts to babble, you become unsteady on his feet and can start to say things you might regret the next day.
If you drink more, most people begin to feel drowsy, dizzy or sick. You may lose consciousness. The next day, not being able to remember what happened while you were drinking.alcohol and depression
Become addicted to alcohol
Alcohol can be a very effective way to feel better for a few hours. If you are depressed and without energy, it can be tempting to use alcohol to help you move forward and face life. The problem is that it is easy to drink regularly, their use as medicaments.alcohol and depression The advantages disappear and drink soon becomes part of a routine. You begin to notice that:
rather choose to have a drink, you feel you need to have is
wakes up with trembling hands and feeling jittery
start drinking earlier
their work begins to suffer
alcohol consumption begins to affect your relationships
you continue to drink despite the problems it causes
you find that you have alcohol and depression to drink more to get the same effect (tolerance)
begins to "binge drinking" (see below) regularly
other things are less important than alcohol.
The long-term effects
Alcohol can lead to:
alcohol and depression
psychosis - hearing voices when no one is there
dementia - memory loss, something like Alzheimer's disease
Physical -alcohol and depression damage organs such as the liver or brain.
What is the relationship between depression and alcohol?alcohol and depression
We know there is a link - self harm and suicide are much more common in people with alcohol problems. It seems that can work in two ways:
who alcohol and depression regularly drink too inclusive (including "binge drinking") that makes you feel depressed or
drinking to relieve anxiety or depression.alcohol and depression
In any way:
Alcohol affects brain chemistry, which increases the risk of depression.
Hangovers can create a cycle of waking the patient feeling anxious, nervous and guilty.
Life is depressing - arguments with family or friends, problems at work problems, memory and sexual.alcohol and depression
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